Google Calendar / Synced Database - WHEN?

I hear you. I still use Notion for my personal collections, but for large and complex handling I have no choice but to use something much more functional. It's a great app, but I didn't hold tightly to the expectation that it would have every imaginable feature integrated into it.

When I was younger, I loved organizing stuff and I love writing so I have tried out every word processor I came to hear about and what I can say from my naive days is that anything that promises to do EVERYTHING, is greatly overselling itself. Especially when there are other products that have fine-crafted a particular niche for decades now.

I think Notion is great but I think where the dev team really shined is the app's beautiful simplicity. What originally drew me to the app was the fact that it didn't do so much. And because of that it was much more customizable and easy on the eyes. That's why I like it more for personal organization as opposed to the one-stop-shop for all my productivity needs that everyone continues to expect from it.

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