Because of my ED, I can’t see my psychiatrist now that I am having an unrelated mental health crisis

Fuck, this is relatable. I started seeing a new psychiatrist recently because I wanted help with medication management for anxiety, depression, and insomnia. But all she wanted to talk about was food, weight, and vitals. Then, after four sessions, she dropped me because I told her I wouldn't gain 15 lbs in a MONTH (her absolutely bonkers condition for continuing to see me and prescribe my antidepressants and sleep medication).

It's so fucking manipulative that people will refuse to help you at all unless you accept the help they think is best, with no opportunity for compromise. I don't think I'm ready to recover from AN right now, but that doesn't mean I should let my entire quality of life go to shit...

Anyway, mostly just wanted to say that you're not alone, and that situation sucks.

/r/EdAnonymousAdults Thread