GoPro edit of a silicon valley startup

Quick feedback on the video:

  • At 22 seconds Mark Cuban asks, "What have you done"
  • The next 3 minutes and...10 seconds consists of video clips put to music
  • During that time, nothing shown answers the question in relation to the context of Mark Cuban's question
  • During that time, we see nothing to impress or inspire or intrigue us in regards to what EnvoyNow is or does
  • During that time, it comes off like a red herring meant to distract from the point of Cuban's question
  • After the clips put to music segment finishes up, the video seems to cut back to Cuban, at a point in time where the EnvoyNow rep finished answering his question. Mark Cuban seems to say, "What else?" and the EnvoyNow rep seems to disregard that question and says, "Any questions?". At that point, Cuban makes a very irritated and confused look at the EnvoyNow rep
  • The video ends there

This is really horrible for a promo video. You make the founder look like an idiot. The company looks horrible in relation to Mark Cuban's question NOT being answer and his reaction to the unshared segment where the EnvoyNow rep answers him, and his reaction to the EnvoyNow rep seeming to disrespect his opinion.

This really shows a lack of experience (all around) and inability to be open to criticism/coaching/suggestions.

/r/startups Thread