Gorilla Dream doesn't do shit for me

I like how people don't even bother reading the studies I linked. "iT's noT dEbAtAbLe". Yes it is. Look at the studies

If you dont know HOW to read a study... dont use them to advice or teach other people. Ask questions to learn more. You wont learn shit with your attitude.

The first 2 studies dont apply to gorilla dream. They researched if Melatonin is to be used as a treatment/medicine for insomnia.

Gorilla dream is not a medicine. It's a dietary supplement. This does NOT proof that Melatonin doesnt work for the INTENDED purpose in our body and simultaneously the reason why it is gorilla dream.

The intended purpose is to initiate sleep. This is not debatable. There is a broad consensus that it works.

It's also in your third study.

/r/moreplatesmoredates Thread Parent