The Rise of the Incel

im not saying all of them are like that but look at the fitness guys willing to do onlyfans, being a male escort, g4p shit, sugar moms/sugar daddys muscle worship , male stripping, gay porn (buttfucking some twinks) to fund their expensive roid cycles to get the look they want.

an inexpensive 500 mg of test cycle wasnt enough for them they need hgh, tren, eq, anavar, dbol, insulin and all that shit to get shredded and the look they want. i dont know what normal person would resort to sex work to get paid so they could get huge from steroids. it takes an insane person to do that not gonna lie. im not shaming sex work but holy shit haha. its all a joke when you look at at the end.

same also applies to fitness girls too.

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