Got a job offer in Hilo, looking to move there with my daughter. How are the high schools for new kids?

A looooong time ago, I married someone who blamed me for everything. Still does, but that's okay. I learned to forgive that person after coming to understand their personal background and traumas. What I learned is that sometimes people will focus on you, and blame you for their crap, blame you for allllllllllllllll their crap. The crap that didn't start with you, and the crap they didn't take the time to fix that crap way back when in their lives when it actually began. Broken people beget broken opportunities. Sometimes people are drowning in their own crap and can hardly hold their head above...crap (water). And you know what? Moving to Hilo and encountering the same type of person would be no different. I didn't cause them harm, and never would. You can only say sorry so many times before you realize the person you're speaking to doesn't want to hear you. I've already encountered it here in this forum and haven't even stepped foot on the island yet (as a resident). Which is a funny thing. I'll try not to announce myself by singing the haole national anthem when I arrive in Hilo. Thanks for your honesty. I appreciate your candor.

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