Grades Based on Attendance: Opinions?

Attendance is necessary so you can learn the material from a QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL.

This seems like a highly outdated mindset and very similar to back before printing when the church controlled all information. Hell a good professor will even emphasis the point that he shouldn't be needed. You should be able to learn on your own, and from other resources. He should merely be a guide(that for most people) speeds up the process.

If you need a professor to learn you will make an awful engineer as you don't have the ability to contribute truly unique ideas. God forbid you go to grad school with mindset like that.

If you don't want to (or can't) attend classes, then please don't sign up for them and don't go to school

Some people need the structure to force them to learn. Unless he lives somewhere that college is free I don't see the issue.

in the course to someone else who actually does want to learn, not just achieve a grade.

The only reason someone might be losing a seat is because of people like you who have the mindset that one cannot learn without attending lectures (despite the fact that other countries have successful college programs that are almost purely exam based). If people would just stop being so stubborn and saying because they want/need a professor to learn everyone does colleges could plan on sell "spots" for exams rather than "seats" for the whole semester which is far more limiting.

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