Growth Investing - What company today will be 10x the size in the future?

It's tough, but not impossible to make predictions about the future. In many ways, was it really that difficult to spot the trends right in front of us, or in investing speak the "gems"? I find that most of the companies that were wildly successful had the products and services I found most valuable. These were items I use regularly, would pay for or wait in line for, would recommend to others because they are in all likelihood equally as useful and valuable to others. If only I had bought Apple when I first bought an iPod, then an iPhone, then a macbook. If only I had recognized how fast CMG turns customers and the people line are out the door. Same for subscribing to Netflix. These are all initial indicators that something in the DNA great, not just good. So if we try and apply the same process to recognize what is going on in today's market, I'd tell you that 8 out of 10 people I know use one of Facebooks products whether the original FB itself, or its other properties including Instagram and WhatsApp that they haven't even monetized much yet. I go to Costco regularly to stock up on food, and the cheap rotisserie chicken and $1.50 hotdog/soda. I'd tell you that I use ride-sharing Uber, Lyft, and Flywheel regularly, though those are still private. That I'm buying products (Apple Watch) with OLED technology in it today, and look forward to the future applications (flexible, lighting, and virtual reality). I don't eat McDonald's and instead go to CMG and In & Out. I stream more and just need an internet connection as opposed to Cable TV. Phil's coffee is fantastic and big change of pace versus Starbucks. What else do you use or consume in your daily life?

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