I guess she's over the Floss?

Or he didn’t make a fuss for the same reason many of the good cops have pulled back on their policing. That being, due to the potential public outcry because the world has gone soft. If a man defends himself back against a woman, 95% of the time they’re immediately painted as the bad guy regardless of the situation. Don’t believe me? Go YouTube these social experiments where guys hit girls, vs girls hitting guys and the guys defending themselves. I’ve seen these experiments where the guy has literally been jumped by strangers because after the girl hit him, he put his arms around her and “restrained” her for the video to see how the general public reacts.

They almost always attack the guy immediately even after witnessing the woman be the aggressor. So yeah, there’s a VERY good chance he didn’t retaliate because either he’s not a fighter, or he’s scared to defend himself due to being in public. Fuck that shit.

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