Who can say where the road goes?

I thought my town had it bad... I've lived way out in the middle of the woods most of my life, about 20 years ago we had a four-way intersection with no lights and no signs, everybody knew that you always yield to the person who got there first and then rotate it out... after a few years of me being out here death reports kept popping up of people slamming into each other up there not stopping, so they put in stop signs. They worked for a few months before people started dying again. So then they put in stoplights and that fixed it. I thought the worst of it was over, I was wrong.

Well the city finally bought a bunch of land next to me and put a middle school on it after a few years, and now and again I see lines like this whenever I have to leave and go run some errands.

The worst of it is not the school, or people trying to pick up their kids, all that's just life. The worst of it is that traffic circle. I understand in most places it actually statistically eases congestion, but they had the school there for a while without it and it was much better until they put it in. Let's go to the point where people don't even slow down to go through the traffic circle anymore, everyone in town is annoyed with it, and their skid marks all over the center Island where people just completely ignore it and just plow right through it.

I took note of the time that those lines forming down the roads so I to avoid having to go out and do anything at those times on weekdays if I expect to get home in a timely fashion.

If this is the future of our roadways though, considering the rise of social anxiety and other reasons to pick up kids instead of using the School's transportation system, then our roadways need to be paved to adjust for it. I'd hate to see them widen the roads around the school due to the fact it would diminish the property owners land, which would involve taking out a horse ranches fencing along the road here, but if it gave us a spare lane to get around those who are attending their parental duties, so be it.

TL:DR: We need to adjust to the times or this will only get worse, things at rest always move towards chaos.

/r/Unexpected Thread Link - v.redd.it