Guild battle strategy for non-high-end guilds -- is there anything that effectively discourages dumping your guild's ranking with a crap defense?

I'm thankful you made this post, as well as being thankful to the other one detailing this idea. It clarifies a lot of the problems in this new guild wars feature (which is unfortunate because its a really fun and great addition).

  • Successful guild defenses give laughable points in comparison to successful guild attacks. Successful guild defenses should give enough points where it becomes a viable (not necessarily equal) incentive to try on defense even if a guild may fail attacks upon reaching a rank where they are suddenly pitted against opponents they have a high chance of losing to. I get maybe com2us didn't want guilds to just focus on their defense (no risk of losing monsters if failing defense) and afk through the week getting points mainly from defense, but the way the system is set up mid to lower tier guilds have no incentive to even bother.

  • Summon stones may or not be a useful reward depending on the opinion of the player (I think they are basically a tease). Furthermore, they are split based on contribution percentage. I got a fire beast hunter using 150 stones, and I was thrilled I at least got a fusion mat I needed because I certainly wasn't expecting a nat 5 or even a nat 4 with 3 chances to summon. 600 stones split over 20 members averages to 30 stones. yah.

  • In arena, Challenger vs. fighter/conq1 gives a big enough difference proportionally in terms of how much glory points you get to have an incentive where if you can comfortably win in fighter/conq, you are at least not completely tanking. In guild wars, I haven't done the actual math, but it seems its either the same or maybe just slightly better for each successful attack if your rank is higher? this is compounded by the fact that your whole guild needs to win to get the big bonus, you lose monsters for the rest of the battle if they die, etc.

  • The guild shop items are lop-sided, with ifrit pieces and 4* maxed rainbowmon being the "must-buys" (only speaking for myself). The guaranteed chance to summon one of the tri-elemental ifrits after X amount of time outweights a very small chance of getting a desired nat 5/4 from summoning stones, and 4* rainbowmon are priced very reasonably imo. The other prizes (elemental scrolls, mystics, stones) are either too much based on rng, can be gotten in other avenues like arena/shop/etc, or their price point vs. ifrit/rainbowmon aren't attractive.

  • In arena, wings are the standalone currency, but in guild wars, the swords have an additional cost of energy per use.

/r/summonerswar Thread