Guy I’m with seems hesitant to perform oral on me. Not sure what I should do?

Oh my, and you sound very out-of-the-norm judgemental TherulerT. Your experience, I’m afraid, can’t be applied to every one. You might consider a bit more about what insecurities about sex in men translates into, before stating that they could do with a “bit more” of it. Those moments when a man gets angry because a woman tries to show him how to properly pleasure Her- insecurity is the cause of that.

I find it entertaining that you paraphrased what I said so differently from the original, with the additions of those exclamation marks when nothing I said emphasised that suggestion. Trying to twist something someone has said into something else that suits your viewpoint of a situation is quite a skill. You would make a nice politician.

As for where it came from? There are few things that can crush someone’s confidence in sex as much being told flat out that you’re bad at it. Her partner’s reaction simply suggested that that was the case, since it was such an obvious reaction.

/r/TwoXSex Thread Parent