Really discouraged and sad after having oral sex for the first time. Is this worth breaking up over?

I will say that I get weird vibes from the fact that he thought women don't like giving head but that you should just do it anyway, whereas he doesn't have to give you head if he doesn't like it. It's this like...lack of reciprocity in fostering pleasure in your partner. Or maybe a lack of curiosity about how you can make your partner feel good, too.

To be charitable, maybe he was nervous and reacted poorly. But he has no shyness with randomly fondling your boobs, and was eager to receive head, so I'm not too sure. I would definitely have a serious look at what you WANT out of sex, and then talk with him about your experiences. If he seems receptive to trying to do better, great. If not, I would break things off, personally.

/r/TwoXSex Thread