Feeling lots of shame and guilt about consuming porn/erotica in the past

Ok so considering this with your other post… I gathered that you are questioning whether you are straight or not… So why don’t you give it a try?

I suggest you to take a step back from porn or erotica and drop it for a while. I also have adhd and know that your adhd might cause distraction while fantasizing. While porn/erotica can give you some new ideas sometimes, in our case practicing fantasizing is I guess better to maintain the concentration during sexy time.

Try to stop questioning yourself when having sex with your partner and try to enjoy it for yourself. We don’t get the same amount of arousal every single time. Sometimes you want it more, sometimes less and it’s perfectly normal.

About your sexual orientation, remember we “learn” that too. We brought up to mostly become “straight” and love straightly. So only thing we can name is sometimes “straight” attraction while what we name our attraction to our own gender is mostly something like “appreciation/admiration”. I found out I was bi on the age of 23, the first time I had sex with another woman. Before that I didn’t even realize I was attracted to her. So try, explore and don’t worry about it.

/r/TwoXSex Thread