Guy stands up to a McDonalds Karen

Some “last” sat her kid with a dirty diaper on the counter where Taco John’s served the food. I mean a toddler with a full load.

I just snapped. “On what planet do you think it’s ok to put that kid there?l”. She just stood there stunned and said “my husband is on his way and he’s going to kick your ass”. (And a bunch of other stuff). Ok.

So about 10 minutes later I’m sitting at the table and a truck screeches to a stop in the parking lot. This little guy comes firing in and comes over to his wife’s table. She points over to me and my 3 buddies eating lunch. He kind of slows down.

My best friend “ before you let your wife gets your ass kicked in a taco John’s, did she mention putting a kid in a dirty diaper on the counter where they being out the food?” He kind of says something about how lucky we are he doesn’t want to get fired from his job if he gets on a fight. He sure has zero problems being an idiot in a company truck.

Then he goes over to his wife and says “get your stupid ass in the car and get home”

True story. Condensed.

/r/Iamactuallyverybadass Thread Link -