Guys, this is why I refrain from using the Brave browser...

I've seen it. I like Lunduke and what he's doing, and have been a patreon since the beginning of his new show, but I certainly don't agree with everything he says.

He is correct that it looks like bad PR on Mozilla's side, but the logical leap he makes when he says:
"the Mozilla foundation gave 100,000 dollars to run the email of an orginization that is officially a domestic terrorist organization withing the united states"

is just a leap too far. I don't disbelieve that Riseup provides email to Antifa (if they actually are a thing, about which I have some doubt) but I do know that Riseup has been an org since far before "Antifa" was anything that was in the public conciousness. Knowing anything about Riseup, it is unsurprising that they didn't respond.

So in summary, Riseup has been a thing for quite a while. They are a leftist org. They very likely provide email for other leftist orgs, but they are not "Antifa" themselves.

It may be true that Mozilla gave money to some Antifa members email provider, but there is no clear evidence that this is why Mozilla gave them money, and there is plenty of evidence that Riseup has existed and been doing work since before all the Antifa stuff.

I don't disagree with him that Mozilla is making some questionable decisions, though this has not just been lately, but since they axed Eich.

And I've considered pulling my patreon because of his pronunciation of Mozilla. It is a combination of Mosaic and Godzilla. "Moe-zilla". It ain't cheese.

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