She had no one to sit with her through an abortion. A total stranger from Craigslist stepped up.

I have no other way of explaining to you how little I care about the abortion debate.

But please, continue your long-ass post telling me how little you care about abortion. Seriously. Are you self-aware? Are you even capable of stepping back and looking at your pathetic charade? Just get your fucking feelings out instead of cowardly attacking me in order to hide from them. Stop pretending you're cool. You're not. Nobody is. It's an illusion you put up when you're feeling vulnerable and defensive. This is Reddit. You can pretty much say whatever mind, that's kind of the whole point of this discussion.

The point of my initial reply was only that it is obnoxious to act like you don't understand why you were downvoted

It's obnoxious to so ridiculously flip my attitude on this. Again: I have been adamant in my point that the reason I have gotten so many downvotes is not because people disagree, but because they are so terrified of this topic that they'd rather silence me than face the ramifications of the fact that you all just jumped up and down cheering for some random woman getting an abortion. That's fucked up, any way you look at it. Religious, atheist, humanist, whatever...when you are cheering on a woman who is preventing her child from ever having a life, that is seriously fucked up. That's a hard truth to face, and to have the abortion debate would embroil us in yet another us-vs-them debacle like we've had with gay marriage and it would only polarize us further. But guess what? That's what happens in societies where you're free to say and think what you like. We disagree, and sparks fly. The problem is when we stop disagreeing, and simply mock or deride because we're uncomfortable with the topic.

Yes, I was a dick in my original post. I'm a provocateur...and look at the result. Massive response. Again: my original point is neither in favor nor against abortion, as I originally stated my favoring its legality. My original point is that we have buried the issue of abortion to the point that child killing is something we actually build a heartwarming story around. Abortion, whether you are pro-life, pro-choice, pro-abortion, or whatever...involves taking a living being that would be a person except that you are killing it.

And frankly...nobody who is at least willing to admit that basic fact(even without the "murder" label) without scoffing and sneering at people who point it out shows just how sick we have become in our mindsets. And, as I said...Reddit illustrates that beautifully.

You cited Roe v Wade regarding whether abortion is murder. Good for you. I could cite the Second Amendment regarding whether what George Zimmerman did was murder and it would be just as shallow and stupid a point. Just because something is a law does not make it right. Unless, of course, you agree with all our laws?

I thank you for your apology, and I really have no wish to get into these scuffles. However, your hiding behind the legal definition is continued dodging of the basic facts of abortion that you still appear to be too uncomfortable to discuss. You admit as much by your refusal to even start the debate. This is a reflection on you, not me. I'm unafraid to discuss this shit because I'm unafraid of the answers. I've heard it all. We've got Islamic militants and Russian nationalists committing war all over the fucking place, and you're worried about the ramifications of giving people your opinion about a rather heated issue?

C'mon, dude...what is free speech for, if we keep these questions(and their scary answers) shelved away for the rest of time?

Hint: the barbarians show up and burn the books and the shelves.

Never be afraid to provoke thought.

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