I spent three and a half years watching 1000 films to develop my style as a filmmaker. It changed my outlook on filmmaking and I made this video to recap my experience.

First (well, 1st, happynewyear heymanhowzitgoin'?), I come from a place of legit wonder and kindness and abso-optimism with every acknowledgement of reality -- and in no particular order...

I, too, have always written stuff, yet've pursued far fewer than meant to / still mean to / should, all this despite having been paid for this or that as well as a couple distinct offers which I...you guessed it, didn't go after. Recalls dude's line in Memento: "I have this condition" as there's no otherwise explaining it.

Anyway, nothing you don't already know, but c l e a r l y you have a voice, an approach, a chutzpah in your sensibility, blah3.

Altho I know 99% of any among Creatives (as a blanket here) will insist I not hesitate becuz fear of chastisement, I...hesitate to ask whether you've seen a film which really nudged me to a c t u a l l y catapult the consider phase and just effing WRITE the couple-few-several screenplays I've kept locked in my head and heart (not sappy here!). If you have seen it, I'd love your 75-5000 word response to it. If you've not seen it, I'll carry-on and contunue to not mention it here, as we see I haven't.

Strictly as an ask, neither venom nor otherwise apply, but...your rating of the Coens' BurnAfterReading has you raking it over blistering embers of coals. Given your recognition of the plight of those among us who've tried endlessly (in certain life respects) to headway amicably with employership, I'm baffled.

Go ahead, let me have it. (Tho please quick reread my opening.)

/r/movies Thread Link - youtu.be