It's Happening

Awesome post, also hate Doug Ford, especially after lying blatantly about sick days on live tv and then voting no later on to it, I have always hated them, in fact I hate every conservative, because nothing they do is for the people, instead mindless sheep follow along when they say for the people, while also only ever giving to rich greedy companies, I have stated this before, capitalism will lead to socialism, nobody likes “big” eventually everyone wants regulations, just ask the republicans in the USA when it comes to big tech.

Anyways literally off topic, but us young generation yr 97+ haven’t even lived long enough and we’re sick of it.

I’m negative person in some ways, I set high expectations for my self almost unrealistically (severe adhd) so I think that’s why I come off negative when I don’t intend to.

I’m just going to say this, all though I literally don’t get why a ubi doesn’t exist and I support it, I still see this who “case” as a loss cause, I mean unless media is all over it, this is something I see, yes granted it’s been acknowledged as a case, but it literally means nothing other then that from what I know about the law and court cases, it’s basically the people, or more like someone representing against the government and why would the government not have the up hand in shutting the case down, we can say ubi is a basic right, but it isn’t same with odsp and ow, they both are “benefits” for a pretty negative reason/response.

It’s late right now hope I somewhat make sense, but I feel the government will literally be like, it’s a benefit and you aren’t entitled to it no matter how much life you have, therefore, we don’t have any money and you get what you get….case closed, the trial doesn’t even have to start, all they have to do is provide evidence to say “you don’t have anything to proceed with this case, therefore we ask for this case to be closed”…before it even started.

I’m happy for this person, but being someone who literally has unregulated emotions from my adhd and has extremely random euphoric happy highs, this looks like too much happiness, for literally nothing and way too soon(wow do I sound like a party pooper).

I hope I make sense again late right now and no hate intended just curious on view points and hope all is well in the future.

Though if one thing we can all be happy about is… Doug Ford is sooooo fkd come next election , he’s done, gone, nada, nothing and he will be erased from Ontario. Lol even people who voted for him are questioning if Kathleen Wayne…or whatever her name is would have been better, heck I don’t know why she had the hate, then again I was much younger then, so everything she said sounded like free this free that, 15 dollar minimum wage, “oh heck yeah count me in” was my response.

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