Happy birthday to me... Both messages are from my n-ex.

mine trumps yours. My birthday....2021... SO paid a guy to knock on the door like he was looking for me, then proceeded to act as if he was going to fight him. I caught dude's reaction, looks like they were sharing a good laugh or whatever, but off to the side, didnt know I was actually watching. He comes in, starts ranting, raving, the standard name calling and whole victim ass, woe is me crap. He then tells me to get in the car with him, I have to "sit in the car"while hes at work so he can "watch me". So, we've been fight for 7days straight, cuz, y'know, the whole "everything has to be about me"mentality, and now Im near homicidal psychosis at this point. My childhood was horrible, and Im tough because of it, but he triggered my anger instead of my flight reponse, so I leave my 9mm in the gun safe, get my baton bat, cuz yeah...I get in the car, we are at a light, I go batshit on him, cuz, Im done. Our entire relationship was like this, 16 years of him accusing me if cheating, but he's the actual cheater. Im a textbook fixer, our childhoods almost mirrored, so I gave him the pass most women would run from. You know what the say, "let a mfka slide and theyll start ice skating". But in the end, I just feel used and bent, but not broken and I have to go, because if not, he's going to make me seriously hurt him.

/r/NarcissisticSpouses Thread Link - reddit.com