We hate these two autistic girls at my school.

I mean it's not even like we're purposely trying to disrupt class, It's generally just natural behavior at a social gathering. Even the teacher was okay with us laughing and having a good time, and even participated with us.

I agree, a lot of us are judgmental and feel that we're better than people just because we have more opportunities, even though it's all by birth. Many of us are prejudiced towards the disadvantaged Black kids from the ghetto at our school, and it took a long time for me to actually feel sympathy for them, though there are still some rooted biases. As for the two autistic girls, It's probably going to take a long time for me to be accepting. I feel like being judgmental and being a bully is an intrinsic aspect in some of us. When I was in elementary school I would constantly torment the autistic boy, but he luckily moved back to Rhode Island before it got worse (It wasn't because of me).

Maybe college will change my perceptions, but I've gotten better at hiding the fact that I hate a particular group of people. I'm extremely two faced and they consider me to be a friend, which is why I refrained myself from telling the second girl to shut the fuck up. My friends and I have to pretend to be sweet, kind, loving, and accepting people when in reality we're some of the most judgmental people you'll probably encounter. I honestly should've put that as my confession instead because thinking back, no one except my close friends really know how horrible of a person I can be.

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