He has survived three harvests and a lot of coyotes in my field..this is as close as he gets to me...dinner time

There was a black cat that started coming to my porch and sniffing around my grill. Pitch black. I named him Bagheera, like the Jungle book. He was always extra stand-offish and I would bring his food out in the morning and he would put his paw up and put his claws out and retract them over and over and stare me in the eye like some kind of Freddie Kreuger where's my food bitch type threat. Eventually started letting me pet him after I made him a box on the porch for weathering storms and whatnot. I was making smores one day though and he jumped on my lap and started showing me the claws, so I opened the package to let him check it out, but he took the whole package of Graham crackers and trotted off with his tail up looking all cocky. He shredded​ the package then laid on it, staring me down and claw threatening me. I decided I had to assert dominance and let him know I'm the alpha, so I went and snatched the crackers back and made a claw hand gestures while staring him down. He eventually looked away and I knew I had won. The next day he came and sat in my lap and nudged my hand on top of his head. Full pet me mode and was purring so loudly I could hear it over the music. He was slobbering too. I'm pretty sure by challenging his dominance, I passed some kind of cat test and became part of the pack, or pride, or whatever they call a grouping of cats. I moved a while later but I asked the neighbor to feed him and gave them a huge bag of food and told them to call me if they needed anything for him. I saw on Facebook that they took him in, but in the picture he's sitting there staring at the kid eating one of those colored ice popsicles with his one paw claw out. I guess he is the alpha again. Good ol' Bagheera.

/r/aww Thread Link - i.redd.it