Hell hath no fury...

Would you like to have someone squirt breast milk on you? What if you were at a planned parenthood support rally and an anti abortion woman squirted breast milk at you, do you not consider that assault? Or if a man with galactorrhea intentionally got his secretions on you after an argument-is that not assault?

The composition of the fluid (how much protein, fat, calories, enzymes) is not as relevant as disease risk or source. HIV is transmissible through breast milk. If you were a nurse, would you feel comfortable handling a gown with breast milk on it without gloves? It's like cow's milk in the sense it has fat and protein, but that's not the point, the point is that it comes from a human and can carry disease.

Even if it wasn't a disease risk, which wrongs justify squirting breast milk on someone? Cutting someone in line? what if they cut in line and called a new mom a fat pig, does that make squirting breast milk ok?

What about someone with ascites, if they stick a needle in their abdomen they can squirt fluid too. If you pissed someone off with cirrhosis, are they allowed to leak on you?

/r/TrollXChromosomes Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it