Hello there. New to PVC world and now I am getting PACs as well. Would love to hear some advice regards mental aspect of it

If you have mental health struggles they’re unfortunately super common. Anxiety and panic release adrenaline which both speeds up your heart rate and also triggers ectopic beats.

The good news is that it doesn’t sound like you’re getting anywhere near ‘too many’ - You can have thousands a day for the rest of your life and be totally fine.

You need to make an appointment with your GP and ask for a referral to cardiology. Show them the recording you have and it will help them decide. Hopefully you’ll have more success than at hospital (A+E is to treat emergencies only. As soon as they’re sure you’re not having a cardiac emergency they’ll shove you back out the door) and be referred on if necessary for things like holter monitoring, an ultrasound scan of the heart, and a few blood tests.

Ectopics are ‘normal’ - Almost everyone gets them at some point in life. Not everyone feels them. But they will be there. And as long as your heart is structurally fine and there’s nothing sinister going on, you’re not any more likely to have a heart attack or suddenly die from it just because you have a few PVCs. Try not to worry. Easier said than done I know.

Keep up the self care. Things like minimising stress, being well hydrated, getting enough sleep, a balanced diet and keeping away from caffeine etc. are all good things that really do help to reduce these.

Hopefully as you stabilise with your new medications (or find a new alternative) they will naturally go away too. But don’t obsess over your heart and keep taking ECGs. Don’t keep waiting to feel your next one. It’s a great way to trigger health anxiety and ultimately you’ll get even more for even longer.

/r/PVCs Thread