Help! recognising Intelligent child vs adult child

Oh there’s loads more to the story. She’s been bullied in school and school hasn’t reacted for a year due to teachers being long term sick so we are looking for a new school.

I’m aware what the term means but I’m relaying the social workers reason for calling her an adult child.

Our daughter is able to recognise adult worries and feels powerless that she can’t act.

The thing is that intelligent kids can do the too mature thing too and seem too wise for their age…

She Feels powerless she can’t affect the bullies is a teacher she doesn’t get on with. Wants to help more with her 2 yr old brother and would like to take some responsibilities on so I can relax as I have poor health, but we won’t let her and reassure her that we are her and his caregivers and she is the sister and shouldn’t take on adult responsibilities. So she has too mature worries for sure, but no other boxes can be ticked[from your link list](

But It’s too long a story to properly write out and really I have no reason to leave anything significant out - really if I as an abuser what reason would I have to make this post.

We don’t disagree that she is too mature in her way of perceiving the world and we’ve been battling it to years. But we do t want the wrong assumptions being made about our family - social worker isn’t an expert in recognising the elements I’m intelligent kids and we just don’t see that daughter is in any shape mistreated like an adult child

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