Help with binding spell

I like to do a lot of things at once. I have some toxic family and mental health problems so though I don't know specifics I can somewhat relate.

  • sigil for protection of my home
  • walk the perimeter of my property and sprinkle salt while chanting something specific
  • mix dried rose petals and salt and sprinkle this in entrance doorways chanting something specific
  • I have a personal protection servitor I "charge" with my stress
  • protection candles which I light and carry around the house, imagining that I am spreading power to every corner
  • I will repeat these rituals often, daily if needed, and designate certain spaces as particularly "safe" (like my bedroom)
  • for a specific person, a "behave better" jar (I used ingredients/associations specific to me)
  • use mindfulness and gray rocking techniques to shield myself against people who seek to provoke me or feed off my negative emotions
  • seek psychiatric help to take care of my mental health
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