Weekly Beginner Q&A Thread - September 10, 2022

I recently realized that I casted a spell on my mother with a lot of intent, energy, and emotion behind it, and it stuck. Like glue, it has been years and it is still going. I want to break that spell but am unsure of how to go about it, would you happen to have any tips on how to go about breaking it, or good reference material.

The spell background: When I was young, my mother use to go in on me hard in regards to my hair. It was a daily thing, she use to call my bangs “horns” and such. Anyways this caused me a lot of emotional frustration/distress. On that day I had built up a lot of anxious, frustrated, and overall very low vibrational energy, my mother came in on me again and I just couldn’t stand it, I got away from her. I stood in front of my mirror and judged my self, I felt my body go hot all over and if felt like I was a damb that was about to burst, as I pulled out my hair I screamed out “god I wish she would just understand me” and pictured my own hair and how untamable it was, I think I spoke how my hair just doesn’t cooperate. A few days later my mom came to me flabbergasted that her hair was curling up into horns like mine, my family laughed it off as karma.

I think it has been around 15 years since then. I am just starting in my witch path now.

/r/witchcraft Thread