Hey r/mmorpg, I've never played WoW, but the lore and universe always fascinated me. I have 1-2 months of time before I move to my girlfriend overseas, and I've been thinking about trying it out; this might be the last time in a while that I would have the time for it. Is it worth it?

Want to craft? You now have to do quests, which is fine. Some lead into normal dungeons, which is ok, I guess. Others lead into mythic dungeons, which are quite hard. The quest reward for your professionfor these mythic runs are begin able to craft something that is worse than drops from said dungeon. Some even lead into raids which you can't even do yet.

Like story? The story isn't that great. And guess what, the storyline will eventually lead you into normal dungeons and then mythic dungeons. Same as crafting. I have no problem with storylines ending in dungeons, as they always have, but to have a hardmode quest pop up in the middle of one is quite odd.

You will need a guild. You also can't do mythics on the dungeon finder, you have to beg for groups, and good luck with that if you don't already have the achievements and gear.

I've never played a game where the story and crafting are locked behind hardmodes and kind of dislike it as I wanted to play casually this time.

Instead of dailies, you have world quest this time around. You don't go pick them up, you go to the area they show on the map, do the quest, and get the reward. Sounds fun at first until you realize they are just open world versions of the quests you have already done while leveling. Nothing new or exciting.

A raider will probably like the new expansion as it does somewhat force grouping. A casual player that only wants to craft and see the story will hit a wall and will either have to change their playstyle or have little to do. The elitist are rejoicing in the streets that the filthy casuals don't get anything this time.

The community is also quite callous at times to inexperienced and undergeared players. I've had beta players crying about others, who didn't get into beta, not knowing the dungeons on release day, if that tells you anything. I ignored it, but you do need a thicker skin in WoW.

All in all, it's geared more towards the group player this time. Leveling up artifact weapons for your main and off spec make the expansion unfriendly for people that like alternate characters. I would say this is the most solo unfriendly expansion I have ever seen, not due to the difficulty which is too easy while solo, but to the "forced grouping" needed to really advanced anywhere.

/r/MMORPG Thread