Hillary Clinton to get Harvard medal for 'transformative impact on society'

This is a pretty bad misunderstanding of how federal elections in the rust belt work. Bernie got his ass kicked in Philadelphia, and Clinton beat Bernie in every city in Ohio.

Democrats don't win elections in the Midwest by swaying white Republicans to vote Democrat (spoiler alert: They don't.). They win them by getting out non-white voters who support them in urban areas. Without those people, the numbers aren't there.

Clinton didn't get the turnout from these groups she needed, but Bernie never had their support at all and would have done much worse.

It's even more of the same in the states they really needed to win, like Virginia and Nevada.

Clinton came very close to winning nationally, and it's much more likely she had the right strategy and screwed up the execution than that Bernie's strategy would have done better.

/r/boston Thread Parent Link - radcliffe.harvard.edu