As a Hispanic living in south Texas..

First of all, you're not a racist. You want what's best for your country and that should never be something to be admonished. Mexican nationals have no right to be in this country if it is not done through the laws of the land. Clearly put: If you aren't here legally, you don't belong here and you should be sent away.

Now that we've established that, we can talk about what Mexican nationals offer the US. They are a ready source of labor that provide a necessary workforce for our country in jobs that are undesirable to our countrymen. It's when this happens uncontrollably that we have a problem.

I am a proponent of expanding our work visa program to make it easy for Mexicans to access jobs in the US at a wage that is acceptable for the workers and provides them protection from exploitation by the cartels and malignant employers. In this way, workers can take only the jobs the state governments decide require transnational fulfillment (and strictly regulated by the federal government to avoid state-level corruption).

In exchange, the US gets tax revenue from the workers, improved transparency in who is coming into this country and undercuts the cartels in revenue from human trafficking.

They need not receive the entitlements US citizens receive because under this program (that already exists, if albeit worthless in its execution) they are not declared citizens of the US. If they gain citizenship, they become privy to the entitlements of a true citizen; as a temp work visa holder they are bound to the entitlements of Mexico.

In short, they would be here to work, taxed and sent home. No cartel involvement, no subsidies by US taxpayers and clearly regulated by our government according to our needs

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent