Hispanic Trump Supporter BEATEN UP By Anti-Trump Protestors at DeploraBall Last Night.... "TOLERANT" LEFT!

At this point you either are with the country or you are not. These people wearing masks and attempting to terrorize their political opposition are the minority. They are a fringe group and no longer represent the American left.

Enough with the partisan bullshit. Enough with the right and left dichotomy and enough with the black vs. white fake race war that isn't really going on.

Enough with paying attention to the MSM and their lies. Enough with the blind acceptance of other cultures and ideologies for the sake of political correctness.

It's time for America to stand up. In order for that to happen we all need to do so TOGETHER. As of right now, I'm no longer a "Republican" or even a "Conservative." Fuck that noise. I'm an American Patriot. All I care about is making our country stronger. If someone on the left has a good idea to do so, I will embrace that idea.

Today I put down the rhetoric and get to fucking work. If anyone tries to get in my way I will deal with them accordingly.

The hour of action is here. God Bless America and Congratulations to President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and all you glorious based bastard centipedes that have been here for this amazing fucking ride. I love you all!

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent Link - youtube.com