Upcoming elections… anyone else as concerned as I am about the possible House power shift here in the US? I read an article on CNN that paints that it may not go well for us ladies next month.. I am concerned about what the Repugnant party will come for next.. anyone else?

the democrats are just as beholden to corporate power as the other ghouls. They'll get their heads busted and the next steps towards fascism will take place.

They've been fucking the people as badly as everyone else. It's not been about improving the lives of the 99%. They've made it about what pronouns to use. They can't do anything else since they're craven slaves of the rich parasites. Power is taken, it is never given. They will lose power since they never have used it.

I seriously recommend that everyone prepare themselves for what's yet to come. No one is going to save this country. We're in the last stages of Empire when the rich take what little remains and leaves everyone else to live in the dump heap.

You want to know what they want? See this video from Michael Parenti:


If this can be saved, it will not be us men to do it. It will be women; you are much smarter than we are.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread