Hollywoods problem? Godlessness

I think it's just that.. when you look at the left, you won't find anyone who is actually Christian. They might claim to be, but they gladly vote for people who murder babies and rape children. While they might think the child rape allegations are "fake news," you can't change that they keep getting arrested and they're always democrats. And when you argue with them about abortion, they just justify it no matter how much awesome logic you use (see Louder With Crowder's recent "I'm pro-life: change my mind" video). Every leftist is anti-Christian whether they proudly embrace it or deny it vehemently, the Bible's teachings DO NOT ALIGN with democrats' platforms.

I know that with conservatives and/or Trumpublicans, there's both Christians and atheists and a myriad of other things, but with democrats (and by a pretty large majority, Hollywood) it's just not that way. So yeah, it's easy for us to paint a target on atheists because we're sick and tired of how a vast majority of atheists behave. Even some atheists right here on t_d can be pretty fucking militant about it, obnoxiously so even, but then a Christian stands up and says "This is fucking shit" like here in this thread, and it's suddenly "painting with a wide brush," or as the libtards would say, "raysiss/xeno/homo/etcphobic." See the pattern?

A Christian.. a real Christian, anyway, isn't going to treat you differently because you're an atheist. Sure, they'll tell you about it, they'll harp on you a little, but do you see them throwing you off a roof or attacking you in the streets? I can't speak for all Christians, obviously, but the only crazy ones you see are those Westboro fucks and they're not even real Christians. They're probably even leftists.

So yeah.. it's not that we try to attack all atheists, it's just when it's so blatant, and our own Bible tells us that this would happen (over 2k years ago) and the world would become less and less Christian and more and more Sodom and Gomorrah, well.. told ya.

Either way, it's not good to pain with a wide brush, and I know we have atheist buddies on here and I have nothing against them. My best friend on this planet is atheist, and we have many a heated discussion and I always come out on top and he always is like "Shit you're right," but it seems like if I go a month without seeing him, he's back to his atheist way. Ya'll need some holy spirit. Ask for it to enter your life, and you shall receive. At night, in the quiet still, when you're alone and you can hear a pindrop, just say a prayer. You don't have to do it outloud, or get on your knees, or even fold your hands. Use your inner-monologue voice, and just say "Christ, if there is a Christ, please show me. Enter my life and open my eyes and forgive me of my sins." Don't roll your eyes while you do it. Make it a sincere request. That's it!

Think about the implications of what it could mean to you if you were answered. Would you be much different? Would you be the same? Up to you to find out. Just know that it's no "instant gratification," you'll really have to open your eyes, but you'll see it.

Trump didn't get into office on accident, and all the attacks from the media don't bounce off of him like water on a bird for no reason. Trump's here to save the country that was based on Christianity and freedom. Trump himself is no perfect Christian, but in the short time he's been president, you could see his transformation. He's making the entire WORLD a better place, not just the USA. God works in mysterious ways, and God is the track the Trump Train rides on.


/r/The_Donald Thread Parent