Hon hon hon hon. Has anyone seen moi cigarette? Je left ze cigrette on moi way to ze racism factory. hon hon hon

Tbh the picture is definitely an abundant source of shitty racial stereotyping, but OP definitely did not take the photo -- someone else did. Someone who was indeed massively stereotyping and racist (either that or it was for a satire, but we don't have any context for that). That's kinda what I felt from "racism factory," is that OP was pointing out how the photo was designed to be racist.

Beyond that, I will def agree that everything is pretty obscured to the point where I can't really talk any further, besides the cigarette being related to the burning church.

Idk, I'm Russian-American, so I've seen people make super fucking awful stereotypes of drunk and communist Russians. I guess I gave a bit more credit to this pic because of me relating to that.

Damn, that was really hard to explain. Now I really don't know why I defended this pic... hmm.

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