My favorite leftists are anti-capitalist chuds

The majority of people in the US are straight white working class males, so they need special attention.

You alienate white working class males by discussing silly icky trans issues, gay people, and minorities.

We need to build that wall to keep out those wage cutting scabs! (with the brown skin)

And race IQ science is totally legitimate and woketards just don't accept it.

Meanwhile, in the highly upvoted [+740], stickied thread from the day before.

Great takes from Stupidpol-

The majority of people in the US are straight white working class males, so they need special attention.

You alienate white working class males by discussing silly icky trans issues, gay people, and minorities.

We need to build that wall to keep out those wage cutting scabs! (with the brown skin)

And race IQ science is totally legitimate and woketards just don't accept it.

Meanwhile, in the stickied, upvoted to [+740] thread of the day before...

Stop ranting about “muh white babies”. No one cares. Half this sub is gay, the other half is in denial.

Being opposed to Idpol doesn’t imply that it’s okay to be racist. Racism IS identity politics and you’re an asshole for hating POC.

Speaking of POC, it’s going to take a class-based movement that transcends racial-body politik in order to have any sort of meaningful change. Stop pretending like white peepoe are the only race capable of class consciousness; we know you’ve never read Marx.

Trans rights are valid and trans people are people. They are entitled to all the same rights as every human. Leave the bathroom shit alone. It makes us look bad.

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