Hopefully this will help you understand why Ye’s comments about Jews are so problematic.

I’m questioning why you think you’re the one who is able to tell people to leave, when you have no more claim of the land than jewish citizens do.

It doesn’t matter how “easily” they can leave (because let’s pretend moving to a different country is “easy”, that’s totally not a weird hill to die on)…… why should they have to leave because people like you don’t get enough social interaction in real life, and are too dumb to realize when they’ve fallen into online pipelines? People shouldn’t have to pick up and move their entire lives because people like you don’t have the intelligence to realize “I’m being propagandized by long debunked conspiracy theories on the internet right now”, and nobody in your life cared enough to gentle explain that to you. Why should that be anyone else’s problem?

/r/Kanye Thread Parent