How to accept criticism on my stories?

Time for an attitude change! It's hard to make, but the truth is that criticism is your best friend. Learn to love it!

Think of it like this: Do you write only for yourself? Are you happy writing a story, reading it to yourself, and then locking it away in a box forever? If the answer is no; if you want others to read and enjoy your work; if you have something to say to the world... then you need criticism!

The goal of writing is communication. It's the act of transmitting your ideas from your head into someone else's. But if you want to do that, you have to speak that other person's language. If you wanted to tell a person who only spoke Spanish about some cool building you saw, the most effective way to do that would be to speak to them in Spanish. Writing is like that, except more nuanced. You have your own language in your own head - the way you see the world - but that isn't going to match up with what other people see, because you're unique.

So when you write, you have to write with an awareness of what other people will "see" when they read your words. The only way you can know what other people see is to have them read your work and criticize it. Don't see it as them telling you what's wrong with your narrative - think of it as them asking you to clarify what you're talking about in language that they can understand.

Of course, everyone is going to see things a little bit differently, but that's okay - the goal is to get a kind of general consensus and do the best you can for your audience. You wouldn't get mad at someone who spoke only Spanish because they didn't understand what you said in English. So don't get upset by critiques.

The other thing to keep in mind is that critiques are the single best way for you to improve your craft. Do you want to be a mediocre writer? Or do you want to be THE BEST? If you want to really hone your craft, criticism is where it's at. Better to get it now, before your book is published and you can DO something about it - than to publish something and then discover a bunch of errors you can never change.

/r/writing Thread