How are so many motherfuckers so stupid. Climate change is right in your face. Alternative energy is getting cheaper than oil and coal.

Don't rely on the free market... The market that has suppressed green energy technology for decades to maintain dominance.

Force the government to put their foot down once and for all and force the transition. Shave a little excess off the ridiculous military budget that's doing a fucking terrible job of protecting FREEDUMZ right now and you'd have plenty of money.

It's easy: step 1, ban companies from selling gas based cars. Give them a 10 year grace period to ditch some of their stock and transition. Give energy companies the same transitional period.

Step 2, ban the import of fossil fuels.

Step 3, ban commercial sale of fossil fuels.

Optional step 4, smash the Dakota pipeline and make trump beg forgiveness from each native there personally for destroying their lives and heritage.

Step 5, give tax cuts to people who live in solar roof houses and companies that have them installed.

Step 6, build wind turbines everywhere and tell the NIMBY people to suck a dick.

Optional step 7, completely cripple the meat industry because meat production is the worst offender for greenhouse gasses.

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