How To Break Up With Your Depression

I know this is r/humor but I just want to point out that as someone who has been dealing with depression all my life, this really didn't do anything for me. It appears that the author sees depression as the agent for her negative-self image and admits that she even secretly relished in her self-loathing. I am pretty sure I am not the only one who feels this way, but the fact that she can elicit that much emotion in her negative emotional state makes her few steps above people who suffers from serious depression. IMO hyberboleandahalf's comic is one of the best thing that anyone has ever written about depression. Depression isn't about constant barrage of negative emotions, but rather complete apathy from all kinds of emotion, both positive and negative.

I also have time understanding the idea that depression is something you can "break up with" and move on. Again, I am sure I am not the only one who feels that depression is something that just happens, like Athsma attack. For all you know, you may be having a great time and depression can hit you out of nowhere. To say that this was due to my "need" for feeling bad for myself for feeling so good, feels like it's oversimplifying the problem. For me it's something that I've come to accept as part of my life and learned to deal with. I don't expect myself to make a clean break and somehow live a new life.

Just to be clear, I am not trying to take anything away from what the author is trying to do. If she genuinely feels that this is going to help that's awesome and other people might feel encouraged from it too. I just hope people don't walk away thinking that every depressed person can do the same and get better, because depression affects people very differently."

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