New Call of Duty Will Feature Transgender Option That Immediately Bans You From Game

I'm adorable now? How flattering... why thank you... but how would you know that I'm so adorable? And keep dreaming buddy, maybe you can aspire to be in the upper class one day.... and the only person who would say that someone is either a preteen or a mentally challenged person is someone who is one if not both of those things. Word of advice, don't spend so much time on reddit. It's people like you who are what's wrong with our society. The fact that you spent this much time on something so trivial is truly pathetic, especially when considering that you most likely aren't very successful or wealthy. You should be making good use of your time, not spending it being addicted to technology. Now I would suggest taking that advice, but if not that's okay, most people including yourself aren't intelligent enough to comprehend that success is a good thing, and can only be obtained through hard work. And yes, that means no welfare food stamps or hand outs. And certainly not socialism. Have a good day sir, or... o shit... my apologies. I mean... good day fluffy rainbow trans unicorn!

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