The most BS team comp I've ever seen

Like I said, it's not a widespread issue yet but knowing that this exists and could be exploited is much like the Bastion salt you find in this sub. Bastion is currently great at punishing new players that don't have map or hero counter knowledge. Coming across an entire team of 6 Torbs that have had 60 seconds to place and upgrade their turrets (turrets that have zero penalty or cool down when they are destroyed btw) which effectively makes it now 12v6 is there to punish players that aren't grouped up and aren't willing to switch to effective counters immediately. Not every player is going to be a utility player that's okay with every hero. The standard player is going to find 2-3 heroes they're good with and focus on them. What good would 6 Meis do to counter 6 Soldier 76s when 3 of the team of Meis probably don't use her regularly or at all. It's not a big problem currently but like I said I'd at least people be aware it can happen and at least maybe get Blizzard to consider some options. All I'd like to see is options. I really enjoyed the Brawl game mode from the beta that had you randomly respawn as a different hero but when ranked comes out I might give it a shot. Also, the biggest concern is character unbalance across the updates moving forward. If say a new hero is introduced that is blatantly op at his role on attack, what's to stop a massive spam wave of op characters inflating their own ranks before the next patch comes down to fix that problem. I've had decades of experience playing competitive games like this and like to think that I've got a decent eye for spotting where problems can occur as the game moves forward. I still really enjoy the game but just like potential issues to be discussed. Thanks for humoring me.

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