Path of Exile Conspiracy Theories

I can almost guarantee this doesn't happen unless I'm the single exception.

Since I started 9 months ago I have spent somewhere near 800 pounds on PoE in the form of Vaal Supporter+Ascendant supporter+Prophecy supporter+Random Point purchases for MTX/Other fancy shit like the masks/comics etc.

My greatest Perandus finds have been 1 shavs after 2 months of playing, 1 cadiro shavs at 9500 coins, 1 Consuming Dark for 3500 and a Binos for 3500 as well.

I bought a 6Linked a LC in 17 fuse. Lasted ages as well with that char for my standards(low tbh) and then I even saved up for a Disfavour - I lived for 12hours before getting yolo'd by a volatile. My fault admittedly. Just wanted to share some solid Cosima level rips.

I spent 475C on a corrupted 6L LC just before I quit Perandus and I even felt terrible because I would be rechroming it albeit it had pretty good colors for something like spark I guess. I needed easy colors, 2g 4r. Not hard with vorici I thought, average tries was like 5 according to the cost calculator. We tried 25+ times to hit it. I spent 100C+ to fucking rechrome it.

Thanks again to Exaltare for helping me out at the time without asking for any tips/cost (just incase anyone ever needs something from him, I can vouch for him).

Well I can probably add a lot of stuff to this list about me being dumb/unlucky in regards to rng (ignoring rips) to "prove" that I doubt investing money yields streamer level rng.

Perandus was still hella fun for me though. Reached 90 for the first time and for the first time ever had serious currency (maxed out at 611C and like 50C in other currencies+- ) to spend.

That said, shitty rng or great rng, I enjoy the game and most of the community, I mean even just the small things be a solid laugh in retrospect.

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