How Campus Progressives Ruined Liberalism for the Rest of Us

Hey everyone, author of the piece here. I'll try to respond to some of the most common concerns people seem to have about the article.

First, the concern that the whole issue is overblown. Yes and no. In my day-to-day life around campus am I attacked for being a white man and told to "check my privilege" and so on? No, absolutely not. However, in my experience at a (very) liberal arts college, these have definitely been the dominant voices on campus, both from students and the administration, and it certainly rears its ugly head whenever there's a major controversy (like Ferguson) or when discussing hot-button issues like sexual assault on college campuses. Maybe it's worse in California (I've heard a lot of this stuff coming from the UC system lately too) than in other places, and maybe it's more prevalent at elite universities (Columbia, for example, comes to mind). I'm certainly open to the possibility that my experience isn't representative of the majority, though in Claremont it certainly is (as /u/ReverendHaze noted below.

The second common complaint I've received is that this phenomenon isn't limited to liberals, and I wish I'd done a better job in my article at articulating that that isn't what I believe. Conservatives have their fair share of positions that seem out of touch with the facts as well, and on a national scale we hear about them all the time. I focused on college liberals in this article for two reasons. First, because I don't encounter many of the crazy right-wingers in my day-to-day life at a selective liberal arts college in California (as you can imagine). I do, however, run into the type of liberal I talked about in my article. That's what's relevant to my life at the moment, so that's what I wrote about. Second, people (rightfully) bash the conservatives all the time for the stupid stuff they do. I feel like the left needed a taste of that too, so I focused my attention there, because it felt like an avenue that hadn't been as well explored.

I would be happy to answer any questions you may have for me, or else to be ripped apart mercilessly. Whatever you guys think is best. Either way, thanks for taking the time to read my article. This certainly gained more traction than I thought it would and I'm humbled by all the feedback I've been getting, the positive and the negative.

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