How can Black Lives Matter (the movement) be real if more white people are killed by cops than black people?

Some clarification on your original question is needed, for the question is a bit... bizzare, as your fellow Redditors have already sarcastically remarked. To answer your original question, the BLM movement is a real phenomenon much like other social issues in the world. What I think you wanted to ask instead was: "What is the rationale behind the BLM movement considering the data from the given DailyWire source?"

To that question, you should first ask yourself if the source is painting the full picture. To begin, is it a creditable source? As another Redditor stated, it is an unreliable source of information. Looking at the premises of the argument in the article, they list a bunch of statistics in the form of percentages. What should jump out at you is the omission of numbers and context of the BLM movement. The author's singular use of percentages indicates foul play or manipulation of data in order to persuade the readers. The lack of context for the movement is another red flag, for the author neglects the systemic issue of the NYPD (i.e. how some officers racially profile prior to stopping and frisking, or how police officers need to meet a quota and often go after minority groups). Without all this information, DailyWire is painting a small aspect of a bigger picture. The solution to this is to acquaint yourself with several news outlet with differing political views, so you can better understand the full picture and take a stronger stance. I hope you the best in your investigations!

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