This post speaks to me. I don't know if this is still relevant to you, but I have a couple of strategies too... I am not the best, and I'm currently in a high uncertainty situation and my internet usage is high. I write 2-3 longer reddit posts per day and it distracts me.
These are three strategies I use to somewhat moderate it:
1) 3 small things. I tell myself I can do 3 small things, then I can browse. The 3 small things could be to wash a cup, wash a spoon, wash a plate. Done! Browse without guilt. Or it could be washing the cup, getting the desk in order, starting to research the thing I needed for work. Small steps. With 3 small things it's 50/50 if I continue doing healthy/productive/useful things. Sometimes one of those 3 small things is lying on the couch for 5 minutes and noting down my thoughts and emotions. Surprisingly helpful.
2) One cheap phone that I use for calls/as MP3 player/for Audible. I use it to listen to audiobooks when I take long walks or go to the gym. I have set it to black and white mode. There's no sim-card in it, I have deleted or hidden the browsers and haven't downloaded messengers. No connection to E-mail too. Also Audiobooks that have nothing to do with trauma or similar heavy stuff.
2) An object in motion tends to stay in motion. And just trying something often leads to something else. I had peak loneliness in december, and on an extremely low day I searched for courses and events and booked a couple of classes to try and learn some new things. Pottery was too expensive, the communal gardening project was overrun, but I stayed in a weekly singing class that lasted 2 months and enjoyed it. That lead to a cascade of events where I joined a weekly choir. The choir had an appearance at a small local festival that also had free dance lessons. Turns out I enjoyed the music, so I continue doing that. There are dancing events 4 times a month and it isn't too expensive, so I go with that. The people there are nice and attractive, so I ditched the online dating hell.