How Can We Make This Subreddit Better?

Well, I appreciate your considerate approach to being a mod and esp taking the time to respond.

Still blown away that posters said NOTHING has changed.

That's a LOT different than you saying...

"He he looks better, but that may not be bone structure"

I still say the 'I see Nut-Ting!' crowd are either insanely jelly or just trolling.

I'm OK w/your comment since, if a guy really only looks better cause he lost weight, but he THINKS it's mewing, more power to him. He got the desired end result - looking better.

And, from personal experience, seeing MY results from this process (photos which now I'd NEVER share here in a MILLION years! haha) encouraged me to want to lose weight. They work hand in glove.

/r/orthotropics Thread Parent