How do I deal with boyfriend who is closed off and immature?

she mentioned that when she felt she was done she would leave him. she came for advice that goes against the obvious because its clear she would like to try to make it work before throwing it all away. theres such a huge contradiction in advice when it comes to relationships. If this is something he can change and is willing to, why should she end it? I would want someone to stick around for me if something about my personality needed to change. We can only see the obvious which is that he's annoying her and she doesnt know what to do, but what about the rest? the parts that made her stick around for 7 months in the first place? If she feels like she has a little bit left to try with, i think we should give her the benefit of the doubt and offer her advice on how do so. Like setting up hard boundaries with him. If its more than he can handle I'm sure he will be up front about it. People do grow up, people can change. We all want someone who would stick around for us, but tell everyone to run for the hills anyway.

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