How do you fuel your addiction?

Been in the same career for about 16 years (IT/AV in higher education). Paid off my student loans several years back while working my full-time job and doing freelance work on the side. (Admittedly, my student loans weren't an insane amount because I had some scholarships and also worked full-time while in college to pay down my loans, existed solely on ramen and shift meals, and also was an R.A. which subsidized my housing)

Got tired of pulling 60hr weeks to afford my "music career" (which has legitimately benefitted my AV professional career) and asked for a raise from my full-time job. I didn't get it (even having noted that one of my former interns was making 25% more than me while working only 40hrs/wk), so I applied to work at a different university.

New university had one interview with me, gave me an offer than was 50% more than my previous pay, and was only a 1hr move from my previous job. I obviously accepted that and have since doubled my salary compared to what it was in 2010, with 27% or so worth of raises in the past 4.5 years, as well as finally landing in a department relevant to what I went to school for (Communication Arts/Film + Political Science), which has also helped increase my pay (and validates my gear expenditures even more!)

That path led me to be able to afford modular in the past 4 years or so, only having dipped my toes into it back in 2016 via an 0-Coast. Actually got my first full system in 2018 and mostly 2019. I do, admittedly, sell/trade gear often and don't like to keep things around that I don't actively use, especially because I live in a <500sq.ft. apartment. I also still do odd-jobs every now and then for small businesses and music venues, usually resulting in comped meals and/or bar tabs.

In short: Worked a lot for a long time and, to this day, live a fairly ascetic lifestyle otherwise. And, even if you like your job but don't think you're being paid enough, always keep looking, etc.

/r/modular Thread