How has IGN not revised their infamous 6.5/10 review yet?

Blizzard on the other hand is the new kid on the block now when it comes to MOBAs. How do you sell HotS to someone who is playing LoL or Dota 2. You know what let me include Smite on there too because that's a game that is also doing really good and deserves some credit for being different and unique. “Hey look HotS has map hacks please install this awesome hackable game right away” or maybe something more along the lines of “Hey look we have a very small hero pool so we've made half of the heroes and talents almost never played in competitive play.” I mean I just don't get why people are so upset that this game got a 6.5/10 from IGN. Are you guys really upset? What did you expect it to get when they removed features that added depth to MOBAs like farming, items, and jungling? Next thing I'm gonna hear from you is how farming is easy at Bronze when nobody is ganking you and harassing you or denying you. Or maybe you'll tell me how the constant threat of a jungler ganking lanes isn't actually something that adds suspense and action to these games. If you want data you can research it yourself. Feel free to just google how Riot and Valve has been paving the way for eSports. Want some more data? Google “HotS map hacks” or “SC2 map hacks” it takes like 5-10 minutes to find them and download them. I don't even know why I bother repeating myself when you and a bunch of other people on here clearly don't understand how big of a hit that is on this game's competitive integrity. Here is what I propose. Actually fix this shitty matchmaking system. I don't give a shit about what the hidden MMR is if I am Rank 1 put me up against Rank 1 players or players around that Rank. If they feel everything is good because it's all about that hidden MMR that Blizzard holds so dear then remove ranks entirely and just give us our MMR rating. Nobody gives a shit about ranks anymore when they don't even hold any value anymore.

When it comes to balance. It's just not being patched fast enough at all. Why would HotS get any higher than a 6.5/10 when most likely someone who is just now picking up the game is going to realize that over half of the heroes are currently mediocre picks and because there is no ban system in place if you decide not to pick a Tier 1 hero you're purposely gimping your team. It's your decision because you decided to play what's fun and not what's stupidly overpowered. Draft in HotS right now is just stupid even in tournaments.

Did I mention half the talents are useless? Seriously seeing as Blizzard decided “Hey let's just take out items even though they are a staple of the genre that makes people feel like they're progressing during a match.” Don't take my word for it? Watch some HotS competitive matches. I've been watching a lot of them and I've watched the pros stream a lot as well. You'll notice they all pick the same exact cookie-cutter talents in almost every single game. There is very little innovation. There is very little thought process involved. Certain talents are just no-brainers that make you beg to ask the question “What the fuck is the purpose of those other talents that are offered to me?”

The fact that my post was so negatively received and yours was praised is actually what makes me believe this game is doomed and will be overshadowed soon by the next WoW expansion and Overwatch. The people who say it like it is always get shutdown. I've made posts in so many early stages of games that have failed I've lost count. Needless to say those games either finally turn things around and fix exactly what I complained about or they just wither away onto life support.

Honestly I don't even care anymore. The current state of HotS has made me leave it to play Dota 2, CS:GO, FFXIV:Heavensward, and Diablo 3 (which by the way I quit the original Diablo 3 but lo and behold Reaper of Souls fixed everything I complained about). It may come across as a bit of shock but Blizzad has fucked up before (banning innocent players in HotS recently) and when they fix their screw ups- incredible games are produced. It's because of people like me that QQ all the time, submit real harsh feedback and/or just flat out quit the game that Blizzard actually gets anything done. I'm a fanboy but I vote with my wallet and plenty of other Blizzard fans do too.

You can have fun with your circle jerk on here. It's not doing anything to improve this game. I've made my posts, I've submitted my feedback and I'm moving on. If the issues that plague HotS are fixed I'll be back. If not I'll just buy the next WoW/Diablo expansion knowing that the money spent on those games thankfully won't be poured into this shit.

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