How do you learn about American culture and assimilate 100%?

The foundation of your whole premise is erroneous though. The point of America is that isn't an assimilated culture. It's a culture where independence is highly valued and there's not an immense pressure to assimilate or be a collective society (like China or Japan, even Scandanavian).

I'm guessing you're from Germany, I doubt most young people know/care a lot about Helmut Kohl or follow every goal Miroslav Klose scores in Germany, right? Sure there are people who remember Kohl's chancelorship and policies and football fans, but you'll find most people in America are not representative of the discussions you'll find on Reddit.

Not many people talk or care about prison reform in conversation, and if they are, they're trying to do something about it (volunteering, fundraising, etc.). Southerners only say y'all, it's just something you say because you're around other people who do it. I lived in the Midwest and said "you guys", moved down south and "y'all" started creeping in my lexicon in weeks.

Our issues aren't easy to grasp if you don't live here and most people won't value your opinion unless you can vote or do something about it. Even then, it's not worth an argument. On paper, I know I disagree with how Germany runs some things and their own issues, but do I really know or have a valid voice in it? Not really, I've never been there nor have I lived through it. I'm just going to come off as an arrogant foreigner who has it all figured out, as many Americans blame Europeans of doing when trying to discuss our issues.

So that said, the best way to "assimilate" to America is to be you and throw away the idea of assimilation. The fact is you're never going to be 100% American but don't get hung up on it. Find what you like here and follow it.

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread